Landon Gilbert

The Importance Of Professional Tree Removal For Trees Causing Damage To Your Property

There are times when a tree on your property can become a liability rather than an asset. If you have a tree that is causing damage to your property, it is crucial to address the issue before it becomes a bigger problem. This post will discuss the importance of professional tree removal for trees causing damage to your property. Recognising the Signs of a Tree Causing Damage The first step in addressing a tree that is causing damage to your property is to recognise the signs.

Considerations When Having a Tree Removed from Your Property

Removing a tree from a garden is an involved process that needs careful planning. Here are some considerations to keep in mind when preparing for a tree removal project. Check with Your Local Council Your first point of call should be to contact the local council or check their website. You may need permission to remove certain trees from a property. This can depend on the tree’s age and size; sometimes ancient and massive trees have the most stringent conditions for their removal.

Cypress Canker: When To Lop And When To Chop

A tall, stately cypress tree can be a beautiful addition to any property. Unfortunately, these tropical conifer trees are vulnerable to a disease that has spread across wide areas of Australia in recent years.  Cypress canker, also known as cypress decline or cypress dieback, can rapidly kill the strongest and healthiest cypress trees. If a tree on your property has been infected with cypress canker, it is important to act swiftly – to save the tree if possible, or to remove the tree safely if the canker is too advanced.

Three Reasons Property Owners Should Avoid Tree Topping

Regular and correct pruning of trees brings a myriad of safety and aesthetic benefits. However, if you decide to prune trees by yourself, you must avoid tree topping at all costs. Tree topping refers to cutting down vertical branches while leaving behind lateral twigs. It is a practice that professional arborists believe should be banned. However, it has not stopped homeowners who want to reduce the height of their trees from topping them off.

4 Ways Tree Services Can Make Your Home Safer

Do you have trees on your property? Did you know that they could pose a safety risk to you and your home? Whether you’re worried about a damaged tree falling down and hitting someone, or a member of your family tripping on a stump, investing in professional tree services is a good idea. An experienced tree surgeon can help you identify any risks, then take appropriate action to mitigate them. Keep reading for more information on the tree services that could help make your property safer.

4 Benefits of Removing Stumps From Your Yard

Though tree stumps may not affect the appearance of your landscape, they can be risky in several ways. For instance, someone can accidentally trip on a stump and get injured. Most times, stumps do more harm than good. For that reason, hire a tree removal company to get rid of any stumps in your yard. Doing this offers various other benefits, including the following. 1. It Eliminates Pests and Diseases

Reasons to Hire an Arborist to Prune Your Trees

You might enjoy spending time in your lovely garden and enjoying the sight of nature doing its wonderous work. However, your trees do require some help from you in the form of pruning. An arborist can perform this skilled surgery to keep your trees healthy and thriving. Consider the following reasons to undertake a pruning project. Cut Out Disease Trees can become diseased when fungus or insects get inside the bark — the attack then spreads throughout the tree if you don’t act.

A Trained Tree: How an Arborist Can Train Your Tree's Growth

Trees are exceptionally adept at adapting to their environment as they grow. They are so adept, in fact, that even when obstacles are present, trees can direct their branches’ growth in order to take in the most amount of sunlight. And, incredibly, even when a tree falls, it still knows which way is up, so it will direct new branches and shoots to grow vertically until it dies. Despite their adaptability, however, both young and old trees sometimes need a little help to point them in the right direction.

3-Point Guide On How To Best Prepare For Tree Removal On Your Property

There are several reasons why you may require tree removal services. Whether for aesthetics, safety or whatever other reason, hiring a professional tree removal company instead of choosing to do it yourself is always the best option. After identifying a reliable company, and agreeing on a time and date when the crew will come out to your property for the tree removal, how do you ensure things run smoothly? Here are some tips to put into consideration.

A Splitting Trunk-Ache: Why Trees With Two Trunks Fail in Strong Winds

Most trees have a single, dominant trunk from which their branches spread outwards. However, some trees develop a second trunk. Tree species such as the elm, often grow a second trunk and sometimes, even several trunks. Unfortunately, a co-dominant tree, i.e. one with two trunks, may endanger you and your family during storms or on windy days. Co-Dominant Trees are Dangerous Not all trees with two or more trunks are dangerous.

Chlorosis in Trees: Is Your Backyard Affected?

When the foliage of your house plants begins to turn yellow and droop, it’s an easy enough situation to remedy. An extra bit of water, some fertiliser, perhaps even changing the soil or transferring the plant to a larger pot—it’s not that difficult. It can be somewhat more effort when the same thing happens to one of the trees in your backyard. This yellowing and drooping is a sign of poor health known as chlorosis, wherein the plant has a chlorophyll insufficiency and cannot produce enough carbohydrates.

3 Reasons to Cut Down a Tree on Your Property

Cutting down a tree should be the last course of action when you notice some problem with it. It is possible to have a dying tree that has no risk of falling on property or people, for instance. Such trees provide food and nesting grounds to species like woodpeckers, and hence cutting would hurt the ecosystem. Careful consideration must take place before tree lopping takes place, including weighing the effects of removal versus leaving the tree in place.

Are Your Parking Habits Killing Your Trees?

There are two main reasons why trees in your back yard are a good thing. Firstly, they provide shade to your home, and that shade keeps your property cooler during the hot summer days. Secondly, trees filter carbon dioxide from the air, and this makes the air around you more breathable. You have noticed recently that the trees close to your home don’t seem to be thriving as well as they used to.

The Importance of Stump Grinding Post Tree Removal

If you have trees in your yard, you may require removal services at one time or another. These reasons may range from significant damage to a tree due to stormy weather, the risk of property damage due to irregular growth patterns or even simply needing more sunlight to stream onto your property. If you decide to hire tree removal services, do not make the mistake of leaving the tree stumps behind.

Two situations in which you might want to cut down a tree on your property

There are certain circumstances in which it might be wise to cut down one or more of the trees on your property. Read on to learn more about why you may want to do this. You’re concerned about the possibility of your home being burglarised If you’re like most homeowners, you are probably quite careful about locking your home’s ground floor windows but sometimes prefer to keep upper floor ones open, particularly on warm nights when you want to let a breeze in.

Removing a rotten tree

Even if you love your old trees, sometimes they can get to a stage of rot or decay where they need to be removed for the safety of the surrounding structures and plants. Here are some tips to safely remove a rotting tree.  Get professional advice One of the first and most important steps is to get a tree doctor to examine the tree. They can look at the location of the rot and help to assess the type of organism which has led to the rot.

Tumbling Toddler Territory: How to Create a Tree-Stump Free Zone for Your Soon-to-be Toddler

Kids grow up quick. Busy parents can attest to this. A tottering, not to mention determined baby, can learn to walk before you can say “peek-a-boo!” According to research, the average toddler takes 14,000 steps an hour and falls 100 times. That makes the next few weeks or months vital for you as a parent. You need to prepare both your house and your garden to ensure that your soon-to-be toddler is safe as they eagerly utilize their newfound mobility.

Three Steps To Stop You From Being Haunted By A Fig Tree Forever

While fig trees provide shade and fruit to gardens, listening to a thousand magpies gathering in your fig tree every morning for breakfast is enough to put anyone off this tree type fast! Now that you have moved into your new home, and you already know what a nuisance fig tree roots are, you want to remove this plant from your life for good. But, how do you go about making sure you get rid of all of it?

When Is It Time to Remove a Tree?

Mature trees on your property can enhance the look of your yard and provide needed shade during summer time. Trees also clean the air around them, which is good for the overall environment. However, there are times when you may need to think about having a tree on your property removed; in some cases, you might relocate it or replace it with a new tree, but in other cases, you might just dispose of the tree.

Some Grounds on Which a Tree Removal Permit May Be Issued

State and territory governments in Australia recognise that trees are of vital importance to planet Earth and the people that live on it. Trees help sanitise the air by trapping airborne particulates, they replenish oxygen supply through the process of photosynthesis, they provide shade and help cool adjacent buildings on hot sunny days, and the list of benefits continues on. Because of the many vital benefits that trees can provide, property owners are normally required to obtain a permit before they can be allowed to remove a tree from their properties.

Speeding Up the Tedious Process of Waiting for a Tree to Grow

A tree can really complete a garden. Having a fully-grown specimen on your property is certain to make you feel proud when you have guests over, plus it makes a great patch of shade and a highly attractive feature. If you don’t already have trees on your property, you’re typically in for a long wait; these particular plants, as you’re no doubt already aware, are not usually noted for their speedy growth.

5 Ways to Lower Costs When You Own a Landscaping Company

As a small business owner, you want to keep costs low so that they don’t eat into your profits. If you run a landscaping company, there are multiple ways that you can save money on plants and other materials. Consider the following ideas. 1. Buy Plants and Other Materials in Bulk Rather than buying plants, mulch, landscaping rock and other materials one at a time, consider buying these materials in bulk.

Possums Pose Problems to Trees: How Hungry Possums Can Strip Trees Bare

As folivores, or herbivores that consume leaves, possums are capable of decimating trees. This is one of the reasons that possums are designated as pests in New Zealand. The possum population there devours 21,000 tonnes of vegetation a day. However, despite that, possums in Australia are a protected species. Even if possums are making a nuisance of themselves in an area by ravaging rose bushes, fruit, and trees, it is illegal to trap and relocate or kill them without a permit.

Hello Bark Beetle, Bye-Bye Pine: How Weakened Pencil Pines Fall Prey to Bark-Boring Bark Beetles

The Italian Cypress, also known as pencil pine, makes a fine privacy tree for outdoor areas and swimming pools. A row of these narrow but tall and elegant pines, which grow up to 40 feet tall, can provide wind protection, sound reduction and privacy, all while adding a touch of class to a landscape. However, bark beetles such as the five-spined bark beetle are also quite fond of pencil pines. This is bad news because bark beetles are voracious eaters.

Don't Forget Your Home's Exterior When Preparing It For Sale

When you’re getting ready to put your home on the real estate market, you might work hard to clear out the clutter and apply fresh paint in each room. However, while these jobs can make your home look more attractive on the inside, you don’t want to forget about your property’s outside appearance either! Potential homebuyers will usually do a tour of the yard and check the home’s exterior before making a buying decision, so note a few tasks you don’t want to overlook when it comes to making the property look as good on the outside as it does on the inside.

When Trees Transport Rodents: How Tall Trees Leave Your Fruit Trees Exposed to Rodents

Like humans, animals love to feast on fruit. Some; however, are more destructive than others. If you awaken each morning to find that your fruit trees have been stripped of fruit, leaves, and flowers overnight, there might be a nearby rodent infestation. You can take steps to deter rodents, such as removing falling fruit from under trees, placing netting around the trunks, and placing traps in the vicinity but pests can get around these obstacles.