3-Point Guide On How To Best Prepare For Tree Removal On Your Property
There are several reasons why you may require tree removal services. Whether for aesthetics, safety or whatever other reason, hiring a professional tree removal company instead of choosing to do it yourself is always the best option.
After identifying a reliable company, and agreeing on a time and date when the crew will come out to your property for the tree removal, how do you ensure things run smoothly? Here are some tips to put into consideration.
1. Communication Is Always Key
You don't need to be present when the crew comes in for the tree removal service. Instead, you should ensure that you communicate all your specific needs and expectations beforehand. Would you like the felled tree to be chopped up into firewood pieces of a specific size? Will the service also include stump removal?
It is important to remember that log splitting, stump removal and cleaning up the debris and any other additional service may cost you a little extra. It is best to speak to the tree removal company and reach an agreement on what your service package will include and how much you will pay.
2. Reserve Parking Space
It takes the right kind of equipment to get a tree removal job done right. Depending on the specifics of your tree removal project, such as the size of the tree, the crew may need heavy equipment and power tools.
It is your responsibility to ensure that the crew gets enough parking space for the equipment such as wood chipper. The spaces should be as close as possible to the tree that is marked for removal. Doing so will ensure that your project runs more smoothly and faster.
3. Clear The Surroundings
Before the tree removal crew arrives at your property, you should ensure that you clear the area around what will be their job site. Anything that may get damaged by falling branches has to go to avoid losses. You should move any pieces of outdoor furniture and other property from the area. Any vehicles should also be driven and parked at a different location far away from the tree removal site.
If you are unable to do the clearing on your own, you should speak to the tree removal company about including this as an additional service. For the time and effort that the crew puts in clearing the site before starting on the job, you will have to pay a little extra.