Some Grounds on Which a Tree Removal Permit May Be Issued
State and territory governments in Australia recognise that trees are of vital importance to planet Earth and the people that live on it. Trees help sanitise the air by trapping airborne particulates, they replenish oxygen supply through the process of photosynthesis, they provide shade and help cool adjacent buildings on hot sunny days, and the list of benefits continues on. Because of the many vital benefits that trees can provide, property owners are normally required to obtain a permit before they can be allowed to remove a tree from their properties.
Before they can be issued with a tree removal permit, property owners must prove that they have justifiable reasons for wanting to remove a tree. A tree removal permit may be issued based on these grounds:
In case a tree can cause harm or injury to people and damage property.
If a tree is in danger of falling at any time, then it poses a threat to the safety of homeowners and their families, as well as people in adjacent properties and streets. In some situations, the safety risk posed by a tree is easily noticeable, like when a tree is leaning dangerously following a stormy night. In other cases, it might take the assessment of a tree expert to determine that a tree has structural defects that may cause it to fall down. Tree removal is necessary when an entire tree is likely to fall on someone or cause damage to property if not removed.
When property gets damaged, or someone is hurt or dies because of a hazardous tree, the tree's owner will be held personally liable.
In case a tree must be removed for construction work can take place.
Anybody who owns private property has the right to develop it whichever way they want as long as that is done within the confines of the law. If a homeowner wants to extend their house, for example, and a tree is standing in their way, then they can qualify for a tree removal permit.
In case a tree is severely infected with disease.
If a tree is infected with disease, and the disease has reached advanced stages, then the only option may be to cut down the tree so that the disease doesn't affect healthy trees growing on the property.
If you're faced with any of these situations, it is likely that you'll be issued with a tree removal permit. Once you get the permit, you should enlist the help of a reputable tree removal company local to you.