When Is It Time to Remove a Tree?
Mature trees on your property can enhance the look of your yard and provide needed shade during summer time. Trees also clean the air around them, which is good for the overall environment. However, there are times when you may need to think about having a tree on your property removed; in some cases, you might relocate it or replace it with a new tree, but in other cases, you might just dispose of the tree. Note a few signs that it's time to call a tree removal expert and discuss this service with him or her:
You're always pruning it away from hazards
If a tree grows around outdoor wires and cables, constantly scrapes the side of the house or garage, loses branches, or is otherwise always causing a hazard on your property, it's good to remove it than to try to keep up with needed pruning. If you fall behind on your tree lopping, wires can get damaged, leading to an electrical fire and disruption to your home's power, and very expensive repair bills. Scrapes to the house can mean damaged siding or brick that is also expensive to repair. If you want to keep a tree in the same spot, you might opt for one that grows much thinner so it's not scraping the house or rubbing up against wires, or that doesn't always shed branches that become a hazard.
Drainage issues
If the lawn under a tree is always overly moist and won't grow healthy turf, it could be that the tree's branches grow too thick to let adequate sunlight pass through. In turn, the soil doesn't dry as it should, and grass struggles to grow. This can cause drainage issues for your property, and your home's foundation could suffer eventual water damage. The tree might be replaced with something that doesn't grow as thick, or you might remove it altogether for a healthier lawn and property.
Trees can often cause problems between neighbours; falling branches, pinecones, acorns, or fruit, no sunlight into someone else's yard, blocking the view of the horizon, and other such issues can mean constant feuds between neighbours. To keep the peace, have the tree removed and relocated to an area where it won't reach a neighbouring property, or replace the tree with something smaller and more compact. Opt for a species that doesn't produce fruit, pinecones, or acorns, and isn't a risk to lose branches, so that there is no damage to neighbouring properties and no more neighbourly feuds.