Three Steps To Stop You From Being Haunted By A Fig Tree Forever
While fig trees provide shade and fruit to gardens, listening to a thousand magpies gathering in your fig tree every morning for breakfast is enough to put anyone off this tree type fast! Now that you have moved into your new home, and you already know what a nuisance fig tree roots are, you want to remove this plant from your life for good. But, how do you go about making sure you get rid of all of it? Use these three steps to make sure your fig tree remains gone after you remove it.
Cut It Down
Every tree removal needs to start somewhere, and having a tree service company chop down your fig tree is the first step. The biggest thing you will notice once the tree is cut down is the lack of magpies now in your garden singing their dawn chorus. They will move to other living trees to enjoy the fruit on offer.
Unfortunately, cutting down a fig tree is not the end of the problem.
Stop The Roots
Until the stump is killed off, the roots of the fig tree will continue to grow vigourously. These roots grow thickly and over long distances and continue to sprout up anywhere they can. Chopping back the root sprouts is not effective as the roots will continue to appear. They spread out far and wide under pavers, patios, driveways and house foundations.
To get rid of the fig tree roots, you need to kill and remove the tree stump.
Grind The Stump
Stump grinding is the next step in your plan to banish the fig tree forever. A tree service company who has a stump grinder can reduce the stump to small chips over the period of an hour or two. However, this will not remove the root problem.
Once the stump has been ground down to ground level, dig up what remains and sever the roots in the soil when you do so. This is the only guaranteed way to stop the roots from sprouting again. You can also try to poison new root shoots if they appear, but research shows that fig roots are often not affected by heavy doses of poison.
Don't let a fig tree ruin the garden of your new home. Arrange for it to be removed as soon as possible so that you can say goodbye to morning magpies and other pests.